Leukoplast skin sensitive family - Designed for fragile skin

Frequent dressing changing is a routine practice in wound care. However, each day, injuries are caused through the traumatic removal of traditional dressings, causing unnecessary pain and infections, and higher management costs.

Many patients have sensitive skin. And numbers are growing.

Skin tears are among the most common wounds of elderly patients1. A systematic review reports a general prevalence of up to 22%2. Depending on several factors, the risk for skin damage can be increased1. People with fragile or vulnerable skin such as the elderly or infants, patients on certain medication, with frequent dressing changes or disease-related fragile skin are at higher risk of damage.

Reliable, loving grip yet gentle removal

Thanks to the Leukoplast skin sensitive technology using a soft silicone adhesive, the Leukoplast skin sensitive product range offers gentle and secure wound care solutions for highly sensitive or compromised skin surface, while providing an atraumatic and almost pain free removal. Designed for reduced pain and skin damage on removal, the Leukoplast skin sensitive family helps protect fragile skin, while avoiding unnecessary wounds and inflated costs due to increased treatment times and materials.

Productshot showing skin sensitive technology benefits: reliable adhesion, reduced pain at removal, atraumatic removal and repositionable

Fragile skin - A daily challenge

The traumatic removal of adhesive tapes and dressings can cause skin injury and unnecessary pain. In addition, skin damage caused by adhesives can increase the risk of infection, provoke a larger wound​ and lead to delays in healing​, all of which increase treatment times and costs. Patients with fragile skin can be particularly vulnerable to adhesive-related skin injuries.

Leukoplast skin sensitive technology

The soft silicone adhesive used in the Leukoplast skin sensitive product family has a low surface tension, allowing immediate adhesion to the entire skin surface. The secure, gentle bond of the adhesive with the skin requires less adhesion and a lower peel force upon removal.

Illustration showing differences between standard and silicone adhesives at application, over time and at removal.

Avoid wounds, save treatment time and material

Wounds cost time and money. Each time a traditional adhesive tears the patient’s skin, you pay an extra. 

Avoiding adhesive-related injuries, allows you to protect your patients’ skin while saving treatment time and material. 

A study3 in Germany shows that silicone-based products can decrease the costs for treatment time and materials. The participating hospitals saved in average over 80 € per patient. 

You can easily estimate how much you can save with Leukoplast skin sensitive products.

Illustration showing the calculation of tape-related injury associated costs.

Skin tears – one type of adhesion-related skin injury

Type 1 skin tear: linear or flap tear where the skin flap can be repositioned to cover the wound bed.

Type 1 skin tear - No skin loss

Linear or flap tear where the skin flap can be repositioned to cover the wound bed.
Type 2 skin tear: the skin flap cannot be repositioned to cover the whole of the wound bed.

Type 2 skin tear - Partial flap loss

The skin flap cannot be repositioned to cover the whole of the wound bed.
Type 3 skin tear: total skin flap loss that exposes the entire wound bed.

Type 3 skin tear - Total flap loss

Total skin flap loss that exposes the entire wound bed.

Please go to your local market site to see the

full skin sensitive range

Gentle removal that won't even wake a

sleeping baby

An elderly woman with a plaster on the right arm holding a baby hand.

Contact us

Contact us

If you have any questions or feedback, please visit your local Leukoplast website and contact us.

Medical references

1. Rayner R, Carville K, Leslie G, Roberts P. A review of patient and skin characteristics associated with skin tears. J Wound Care. 2015;24(9):406–14​. 

2. Strazzieri-Pulido KC, Peres GR, Campanili TC, Santos VL: Skin tear prevalence and associated factors: a systematic review. Rev Esc Enferm USP; 2015 Aug; 49 (4): 674–80 

3. Maene: Hidden costs of medical tape induced skin injuries; Wounds UK; 2013; 9 (1) 

4. For the whole duration of the treatment